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Update: Gate 2015 results to be declared today….!!

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an PAN India exam conducted for admissions to various post-graduate programs and jobs in top PSU’s in India. This purpose of this exam is to test the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science. GATE is one of the most prestigious Competitive exam held in Indian Sub-continent. As per the latest updates, GATE results 2015 released on 12th march 2015.

As per the official details, GATE 2015 exam will be conducted on 31st Jan, 1st Feb, 7th Feb, 8th Feb 2015. The gate exam 2015 is scheduled in two sessions as per the test paper codes for various subjects and Engineering Branches like ECE, CS/IT, EE, ME, Civil, MCA, MSc. etc.

More Details on GATE Results, GOAPS 2015:
