Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University is a one of the prestigious universities in Andhra Pradesh and also known as JNTU, Kakinada or JNTUK. It was set-up in year 1946, and always proved the best level by providing quality education, such as MCA, MBA, M.Tech, B.Tech, PHD, Pharmacy courses. University conducts various Exams as per academic process. JNTU Kakinada I B.Tech 2nd Semester [R10, R13] results declared and will be live at IndiaResults.com.
JNTU is among the best Colleges in Technical Education & well known for B.Tech education. Thousands of students appeared in the JNTUK Btech Exams. Every student can get the JNTU Kakinada Btech 1-2 Results 2015 at official Website of JNTUK.
More details for JNTUK B.Tech 1-2 sem result 2015:
JNTUK is situated in the fast developing Port city of Kakinada and has a sprawling campus area over 110 acres filled with mango trees. The entire academic activity in the college monitored by the highest body called College Academic Council. JNTUK University has announced JNTU B.Tech 1 2 Sem supplementary results 2015. Every year JNTU Kakinada conducts exams as per the yearly as well as semester scheme.There are many branches that are running under university B. Tech program. Ge the JNTUK Btech results2015Students appeared in these exams are very exicted to know about their respective Results.
The University offers varied courses, and we publish all the results with complete dedication. To know your JNTU Kakinada B. Tech 2nd Sem Result, just check on the India’s one of the best result portals “IndiaResults.com”.
Get JNTUK B. Tech 1-2 (R10,R13) Exam Results at IndiaResults.com
IndiaResults.com is no.1 exam results website in India. IndiaResults.com also provide the facility of Name wise search option to check JNTUK result along with Roll number. We at IndiaResults are the team of experts working with Full Accuracy and believe in error free Process. All Students of JNTU Kakinada can check their JNTUK B.Tech 2nd Sem Result by name. IndiaResults.com is popular for their perfect work, immediate result with great accuracy.
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