Update: “CBSE Board AISSE 10th Date sheet announced-Exams from 2nd March 2015”
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is the premiere board of India known for its excellent education in the country. Headquarters of CBSE is situated in the National Capital Delhi. There are many government schools, private schools and public schools affiliated to the CBSE board. CBSE conducts the 10th and 12th board exams and regulates all the process. CBSE 10th Time table 2015 is announced. CBSE secondary School exams will be Starting from 2nd March 2015 and continues till 26th March 2015.
CBSE board is sub-divided in ten regions, and all these regions are controlled and managed by the Delhi Head Office. All the students are waiting for CBSE AISSE date sheet 2015. As per the Latest updates CBSE 10th class exam are starting in the month of March 2015.
More about CBSE Board class 10th Date Sheet, Time Table, Syllabus, Admit Card and Hall Ticket Exam 2015:-
CBSE is one of the major school education boards in the world. Most of the metro cities and Urban areas of India are having the CBSE affiliated schools. Lakhs of students took part in the CBSE matric Exams last year. CBSE 10th Exams 2015 are starting from Monday, March 02, 2015. It is very important for every students to prepare as per the priority for the subjects by the help of Class 10th exam Schedule CBSE.
IndiaResults.com is the no.1 portal for the students, and we published all Date Sheet, Syllabus, Time Table, Admit Card and Results with great accuracy. CBSE SSC time table 2015 is also available at IndiaResults.com portal.
For CBSE 10th board Time Table at IndiaResults.com.
All the Candidates can visit the CBSE board official page at IndiaResults website. You can check CBSE class 10th admit card and hall ticket related updates and other notifications at our portal. IndiaResults.com is no.1 exam results website in India. And, students can check the CBSE 10th results at our online portal.
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