Latest Update VTU CBCS 3rd Sem Regular Result 2017 DECLARED…!
The Visvesvaraya Technological University has conducted the Credit Based Semester System (CBSS) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (B.E./B.Tech examinations for the 3rd semester in the months of Dec 2016/Jan 2017. Hopefuls undergoing the Graduate degree 3rd semester have given their end examinations as part of their academic curriculum. All those hopefuls are now waiting for the VTU 3rd sem results 2017. Candidates can download the results from the official website “”
Information about VTU CBCS Result 2017:
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) is expected to come up with CBCS 1st Semester results today ie, 26th May. The VTU is soon going to announce results on its website. Hence student’s attention is required to check the results. Hence candidates waiting for VTU 1st semester results can tune up to the VTU official portal “”. As per the updates from the university, it has planned to release the results today event. The exact time of result release is not known. Students can keep refreshing the website to Download VTU BE CBCS 1st Sem result 2017.
VTU 1st Semester CBCS Results 2017 released. Visvesvaraya Technological University has conducted the 1st Semester Exams in the Month Dec/Jan 2017. A huge Number of candidates have appeared for the examination and eagerly waiting for their results. Students can check the VTU B.E/B.Tech 1st Semester Results from the official website Visvesvaraya Technological University has recently released the 3rd Sem results. Now it has released VTU B.E/B.Tech. Results on its official website. Get the Active Link at the bottom of our Page. You have to enter your University details to check your results. The VTU is going to announce the revaluation dates soon after it has declared the CBCS 1stsemester results. The revaluation process will commence in the month of June. After the declaration of results students requiring the revaluation can apply within the announced dates. Refer the VTU portal regularly to know the latest information from the University.
More Information about VTU Results 2017
The VTU is also likely to declare the CBCS 2nd semester results as well. The VTU is yet to release the CBCS 4th semester result. The date of CBCS 4th sem results will be announced shortly by the University. Candidates waiting to check the results can regularly follow the updates on VTU official portal. Yet the University is in progress to declare the Post Graduate Degree results. The result date for VTU PG courses such as MBA, MCA, M.Tech is to be announced by the university. Candidates, those have given the PG examinations were also instructed to check the VTU portal, on regular premise.
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