Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education, in short TNBSE; was established in 1910.The directorate of government examinations was formed as a separate executive in Feb 1975. Headquarter is situate at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Board was offered SSLC examination stream, the Anglo-Indian stream, SSLC stream and Matriculation stream up to the ending at secondary level or class 10th. Board has conducted TN 10th SSLC Examination of year 2014 in month of March/April. After successfully undertaken SSLC exam, Students are waiting for their Tamil Nadu 2014 Results. Now board is going to publish TN 10th SSLC Results 2014 on 23rd May 2014, 10:00AM at its official website and Tamilnadu 10th SSLC Results 2014 will also be published at IndiaResults.com.
More About TN SSLC 10th Exam Result 2014:
TN Board provides excellent education in Tamil Nadu state. Near about 11 lakh students participated in Tamil Nadu SSLC exam 2014. 10.38 lakh students take the exams through schools and 65000 as private candidate in 3300 examination centers. Main aim of board is to conduct SSLC and HSC examination in state and after examination Tamil Nadu Board issues Certificates of SSLC and HSC results to every student. Tamil Nadu SSLC Exam was held from 26th March to 10th April 2014. Large number of students has participated in the TNBSE 10th SSLC exam 2014 and after exam they all are searching for their TN Result. According to official website of directorate of government examination of Tamil Nadu, TN 10th SSLC Result 2014 will be published on 23rd May 2014, 10:00AM. Tamilnadu 10th SSLC 2014 Exam Result will also be available at IndiaResults.com.
To Check Tamilnadu10th SSLC2014Result at IndiaResults.com:
IndiaResults.com is leading result publishing portal in India. It publishes Result of Board, universities and other educational bodies of India from many years. IndiaResults.com is also linked with TNBSE and TN Board SSLC 10th Exam 2014 Result will also be published on IndiaResults TNBSE page. Our result publishing team is popular for their immediate result, hard work and accuracy. We use very fast server for best to publish result. So there is no chance of any mistake and students can expect great accuracy in our work. We are waiting for your presence at our website to see result by using roll number and Name.
Name Wise TamilNadu SSLC 10th Result 2014 at our website:
At IndiaResults.com, Students can check their result by using Roll number search option and also they can use name search option to know result of their friend’s and other relatives. Students were also offered a facility to get their results via SMS. In name search option, students just have to enter their desire Name in name search box to see result accordance of name. Only IndiaResults.com facilitates with this useful function to see TN 10th SSLC 2014 Result.
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