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Update: JNTUK 4-2 B.Tech R10 Regular & R05, R07 Supply Result 2015

JNTUK or Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada is one of the best University in the India. It is situated in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh and renowned as JNTU Kakinada. JNTU was established in 1946, and providing best quality of higher education. As per latest updates, JNTUK 4-2 Btech result 2015 are announced by the University. Lakhs of students get admissions in JNTU Kakinada campus. Students who appeared in the BTech 4-2 Exam are waiting for their Results.

Get the JNTUK 4-2 result at official website jntuk.edu.in. The JNTU university has a vast campus area of 110 acres in the city of Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. The JNTU, Kakinada offers many professional and degree courses. To Check  your JNTU kakinada 4-2 B.Tech Result 2015, click on the India’s no.1 result publishing portal IndiaResults.com.

How to Check JNTUK B.Tech 3-1 supply Result:



Telangana Board of Intermediate Education, is a board of Higher Secondary Education for public and private schools under the government of Telangana state. It was established in June 2014. Board is providing quality education to the newly formed state Telagana in Southern India. Telangana Board Intermediate Time Table 2015 has been released. The Headquarters of BIETG is in Hyderabad.

As per official updates, TG board  Inter Time Table 2015, the annul exams for 1st year are commence from 09th March 2015 till 26th March 2015. TG board Time Table for 2nd year Intermediate Public Examinations is from 10th March 2015 till 27th March 2015.  Also, the TS Intermediate Hall Ticket 2015 are available now.

More about Telangana Board Intermediate 1st and 2nd year Hall Ticket, Time Table and exam centers 2015:



The Telangana Board of Secondary Education (in Telugu: సెకండరీ ఎడ్యుకేషన్ బోర్డ్), is a board of education for public and private schools under the state government of Telangana. It was constituted in June 2014. Board is providing quality education to the newly formed state Telagana in Southern India. Telangana Board SSC Time Table 2015 has been announced.

As per official Updates, Telangana SSC 10th exam is going to commence from 25th March 2015 and the last paper will be on 11th April 2015.  Now, students can check TS SSC hall tickets 2015 is available. The board controls and maintains all the secondary education process in the state of Telangana.

More about TG Board SSC 10th Time Table, Hall Ticket & Syllabus 2015:



EAMCET is one of the most prestigious test organized by any State in India. EAMCET stands for Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test. This Test is conducted in accordance with the permission of Telangana Government. Telangana Eamcet 2015 exam is on 14th may 2015. Many colleges offering graduation courses like B.E, BTech, BDS, B.Pharma, BSc etc. require the valid qualification in this exam for admissions.

  • The Eamcet Notifications for Telangana state issued on 25th February 2015 and the exam will be conducted on 14th May 2015.
  • The EAMCET Applications forms to be submitted online only and the Official website link will open for submission on 28th February 2015.
  • The last date for Eamcet 2015 exam form submission is 9th April 2015. However, forms can be submitted till 12th May 2015 with a fine fees.

Get more details for TS EAMCET 2015:



Telangana Open School Society constituted by the State Government of Telangana. TSOSS is set up for the admission into SSC and intermediate courses. There are many exams conducted by the Telangana open school. As per latest updates, TSOSS 10th supply result is declared. TSOS provide opportunities for quality education and opportunities in the school education. There are about 14000 students appeared in TSOSS SSC Supply Exam 2014.

More info about Telangana Open School Society SSC supply result: