Tag Archives  :   AHESC 12th exams


Update:- Get your AHSEC HS Exam Routine 2017 & Assam 12th Admit card 2017 Available.

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council was established on 1st June,1984. The AHSEC HS final exam is commencing from Feb 2017 till March 2017. According to Assam HS Routine 2017 exams will be from 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon for Morning Schedule and From 1.30 PM to 4.30 PM for Afternoon Schedule.

The Assam higher secondary exams 2017 details are online. The AHSEC have its head Office at Bamunimaidam, Guwahati. It regulate, supervise and develop Higher Secondary Education in the state of Assam. Get your Assam board HS admit card 2017 with all details.

Check your Assam Class 12th exam Routine, Roll list and Admit Card 2017:


Update:- The Ahsec hs admit card 2016 available for Assam higher secondary exams 2016.

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council was established on 1st June,1984.Assam Higher Secondary Education Council or AHSEC is renowned board for 10+2 education in north-eastern India. The AHSEC have its head Office at Bamunimaidam, Guwahati. It regulate, supervise and develop Higher Secondary Education in the state of Assam.

And, the AHSEC HS final exam is commencing from Feb 2016 till March 2016. According to Assam HS Routine 2016 exams will be from 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon for Morning Schedule and From 1.30 P.M. to 4.30 P.M for Afternoon Schedule.

Check Assam Class 12th exam Routine, Roll list and Admit Card:


Updates:   Assam board HSC 12th exam Commencing from 16th February 2015

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council was established on 1st June,1984. Assam is the largest Tea producer State in India. Assam Higher Secondary Education Council or AHSEC is renowned board for 10+2 education in north-eastern India. The AHSEC have its head Office at Bamunimaidam, Guwahati. It regulate, supervise and develop Higher Secondary Education in the state of Assam. The AHSEC higher secondary exams dates are Live now.

The Assam Board High secondary 1st year exams are starting from 17th March 2015 & will ends on 31th March 2015.

And, the AHSEC HS final exam is commencing from 16th Feb 2015 till 16th March 2015.

According to Assam HS Routine 2015 exams will be from 9.00 A.M. to 12.00 Noon for Morning Schedule and From 1.30 P.M. to 4.30 P.M for Afternoon Schedule.

Check Assam Class 12th exam Time Table, Roll list and Admit Card:
