JEE stands for Joint Entrance Examination. Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is the exam conducted by CBSE to give admission in various field of Engineer from the recognized university of India especially IIT’s and NIT’s. JEE Main is for NIT’s and other renowned engineering institutes but JEE Advanced Paper 2 is the key to get admission in IIT’s. To be eligible for the JEE Advanced Paper 1Exam 2014 candidates first have to clear or pass JEE Main examination 2014. Not only this around top 1.5 lacs candidates of JEE Main 2014, will only get the opportunity to go for this JEE Advanced 2014 Paper 2. Earlier JEE Advanced Paper 2 was also commonly known as IIT JEE Advanced. IIT JEE Advanced Paper 2 was conducted by CBSE in month of May 2014. After examination every aspirant is eagerly waiting for IIT JEE Advanced 2014 Results. According to official websites CBSE JEE Advanced Paper 2 Result 2014 is scheduled to be published on tomorrow, 19th June 2014 at its official website as well as
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JEE Advanced Paper 2 2014 is for those who want to pursue Engineering degree i.e. B.Tech/B.E. from the one of the seven IIT’s of India and some NIT’s. The entire necessary eligibility requirement is followed as it is for JEE Main. The IIT JEE Advanced Paper 1 has conducted in only selected cities across India and candidates while registering had selected three towns/cities in the same zone. IIT JEE Advanced Paper 2 was conducted in month of May 2014 and after effectively completion of exam, JEE Advanced Paper 2 Results 2014 will be announced with their rank. According to the rank of IIT JEE Advanced, seats of various IIT’s according to stream cut-off and rank will be allotted to every qualified aspirant in counseling.
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We all know that is one of the famous results publish portal in India. is at number one rank in India in result publishing business and lots of universities, state government & private board and other Indian education bodies result will be published by this board every year. is also linked with the Central Board of Secondary education so IIT JEE Advanced Paper 2 Result 2014 will also be declared on IndiaResults pages. According to latest update IIT JEE 2014 Paper 2 Results will be published on tomorrow 19th June 2014. To know JEE Advanced Paper 2 Results 2014, you can either check their official website or you can simply log on to Our team is famous for their hard work and effective results and we use fast servers to publish results. So there is no chance of any mistake and students can expect more accuracy in our results. we do also provide name wise facility to check results.
Name wise IIT JEE Advanced Paper 2 Results 2014 available Here:
Aspirants can check their CBSE JEE Advanced 2014 Results by using Roll number or Registration number also they can use Name wise search option to know their ranks. In name search option students just have to put their desire name in name search box and name accordance results will be display on screen. This feature is very useful to check friend’s results and also helpful in case of any person or parent of candidate forget roll number. Only facilitates with this feature to check IIT JEE Advance Paper 2 Results 2014.
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