Update: CBSE Class 10th/ Matric supply Result 2015 Announced & LIVE NOW
CBSE is a nationalized board of India for school education in India. CBSE or Central Board of Secondary Education is prestigious in the world. CBSE affiliates many schools and education institutions in India. CBSE 10th exam 2015 held in march 2015 and CBSE 10th result declared in May 2015. Now, as per official sources, CBSE 10th compartment result 2015 is going to be declare on 13th August 2015 at official websitecbse.nic.in.
Students can also get the CBSE 10th Supplementary result 2015 at Indiaresults.com Portal. The cbse high school compartment result 2015 is LIVE online.
More details for CBSE Matric/ Secondary Compartment result 2015:
About 10 lakhs students appeared in the CBSE Class 10th main 2015. CBSE exam for 10th 2015 from March 2015 to 17-April-2015. The CBSE 10th supply results 2015 of Delhi, Panchkula, UP, Ajmer, Patna, Bihar, Jharkhand, HP Region will going to LIVE at www.cbse.nic.in. Students can also check their Cbse IOP 2015 and CBSE 10th Supplementary/Compartment Results 2015 at IndiaResults.com.
CBSE Head-Quarters are situated in Delhi. CBSE board is divided in 10 regions, and all regions are managed by Delhi Head Office. All the students are excited for CBSE matric supply result 2015. The CBSE compartment result 2015 Ajmer Region is available on the official website. Get the CBSE 10th supply school wise result at Indiaresults portal.
CBSE matric Supply Results Name Wise available at Indiaresults.com:
IndiaResults.com is online portal of result publishing and popular for their work. Results for different universities and Boards are published by our portal every year. We will officially publish the CBSE Class 10th supply Result Region wise of Delhi, Panchkula, Allahabad, Ajmer, Patna Region.
IndiaResults.com also facilitate with name wise search option to check result along with roll number. Students can check CBSE 10th Supplementary Result by name very easily. Our team is popular for immediate result, accuracy and effective work.
Stay connected at IndiaResults.com for results notifications or updates regarding CBSE.
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