The Board of Secondary Education, Manipur was established by an act of Manipur Legislative Assembly in 1972. This board is also called as BSEM. The Board conducts the BSEM HSLC Exams in the month of March every year. The Bsem hslc routine 2016 announced by the Bsem board official website. The manipur board hslc time table 2016 is released at
The Head-office for BOSEM are situated in capital city Imphal. BSEM has introduced the latest HSLC syllabus to raise the standard of education. The cohsem routine 2016 available now. Thousands of students are studying at COHSEM and can get the cohsem 12th hall ticket 2016.
More about Manipur Board (BSEM) HSLC Routine, Hall Ticket 2016:
Manipur Board manages all the academic activities of education in the Manipur state. The major task of the board is to conduct the class 9th and 10th exam. It provides best education by latest syllabus and innovative practices for students. The Manipur board 10th routine 2016 is helpful for proper study. The prescription of conditions for granting recognition of standard I and VIII was also entrusted to the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur. The bsem 10th hall ticket 2016 will be available soon.
The Board organize 4-day orientation programme for teachers of all schools recognized by the Board. It emphasis on teaching methodology and technique of evaluation in Education system. Students of BSEM can check or download the BSEM 10th time table 2016 exam related info from official website of IndiaResults.
Details for Cohsem exam schedule 2016, Time Table, Admit Card 2016:
The Board has adopted the Scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in 1993-94 for classes IX & X. is the no.1 exam results portal in India. Students can Check or download their Manipur Board 10th time table 2016 details and all information from official page for BSEM. provide a feature of Name wise search option to check result for cohsem along with Roll number.
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