Banaras Hindu University (BHU) is an internationally reputed temple of learning, situated in the holy city of Varanasi, Uttar-Pradesh. It was founded in the year 1916. The area of the main campus of this premiere Central University is 1300 acres, having well maintained roads, extensive greenery, a temple, an air strip and buildings which are an architectural delight. The university comprises 3 Institutes, 14 Faculties, 140 Departments, 4 Inter disciplinary Centers a constituent college for women’s and 3 Constituents Schools, spanning a vast range of subjects pertaining to all branches of humanities, social science, technology, medicine ,science, fine arts and performing arts. It has 6 centres of Advanced Studies, 10 Departments under Special Assistance Programme and a large number of specialized Research Centers. Four Degree Colleges of the city are also affiliated to the University.
Short description about Banaras Hindu University Examination Results 2013:
BHU has conducted plentiful number of exams in the year 2013. A huge number of students appeared for the exams and now they are eagerly waiting for the results. IndiaResults is the famous online result publishing unit in India and also an official result publishing unit of this University.
IndiaResults also facilitate the students to confirm their results in name-wise format. So if in case any student forgot the roll number or want to check the result of his companion then he can easily check that by merely entering the name.
Our Official Banaras Hindu University Page,
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